Networking is vital for your business and events can be an efficient way to meet a large number of potential contacts in a short time. So read these tips so you’ll know what to do before, during, and after your meeting for your next networking event.

Tips to Make Your Next Networking Event a Success

You know that networking is vital for your business, but you may still be hesitant to
attend networking events. Maybe you’ve had your share of expensive conferences
that seemed like a waste of time. Maybe you’re wondering if LinkedIn, Facebook and
other social media are enough on their own.

The truth is that face to face communications still carry more weight than emails and texts. Plus, events can be an efficient way to meet a large number of potential contacts in a short time.

Come home from your next networking event with something more valuable than a pile of business cards and memories of free cheese. Read these tips so you’ll know what to do before, during, and after your meeting.

Preparing for a Networking Event:

  1. Be selective. Choose events that are likely to give you the highest return on your investment. Figure out your goals for the event and develop screening criteria. Maybe you want to stay updated on the latest industry news or you’re trying to land new clients. Attend events where your customers or vendors hang out.
  2. Dress the part. Appearances count. If you’re not sure what to wear, check the website and promotional materials to get an idea of what’s appropriate.
  3. Carry your phone. When you’re meeting so many potential contacts at once, taking a picture with them or even of their business card will help you remember just who you met and give you a visual cue during the followup process.
  4.  Rehearse your lines. Practice your elevator pitch and some relevant small talk. You need to be able to introduce yourself in a confident and interesting way. It also helps to have a few subjects on hand that you can discuss to build rapport.
  5. Volunteer your services. Helping out at events can be a great way to reduce your expenses and become engaged even if you tend to feel shy. Contact the organizers to find out about volunteer opportunities. I always like standing at the door and acting like the greeter. Gives first advantage of meeting new people.

“You should really check out Casey’s Networking Riches event June 24/25!”

Attending a Networking Event:

  1. Focus on giving. Effective networking is based on being generous. Potential contacts are more likely to welcome your interest if you’re thinking about what you can do for them.
  2. Mix and mingle. Resist any urge to sit on the sidelines. Move around the room so you can meet as many influencers as possible.
  3. Make introductions. If you already know some of the attendees, think about who they might like to meet. Providing introductions strengthens your network and makes it likely you’ll receive similar favors. You can also introduce people you just met to help keep conversations flowing.
  4. Refine your presentation. Networking events are about building relationships rather than selling, so they can help you edit your pitch with less at stake. You’ll also have a wide audience to work with.

“You should really check out Casey’s Networking Riches event June 24/25!”

Following Up After a Networking Event:

  1. See it through. Any event can be productive if you take strategic action with the contacts you just made. That might mean sending them an article or inviting them out for coffee.
  2. Act quickly. Reach out as soon as possible so your last conversation will be fresh in their mind. You’ll make a positive impression and their interest may still be high. I like to text them right after the event with a recap of anything important we discussed.
  3.  Strengthen your online presence. Social media like Facebook and LinkedIn works well in combination with face to face communications. Invite the contacts you made to connect with you online. Come join the Expand The Business Community on Facebook >>>> Here
  4. Evaluate your efforts. Developing your networking skills is an ongoing project. After each event, reflect on what went well and what you want to do differently next time.
“You should really check out Casey’s Networking Riches event June 24/25!”

3 Quotes on Networking:

“Everything you want in life is a relationship away.”Idowu Koyenikan, Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability

“You should really check out Casey’s Networking Riches event!”

“Becoming well known (at least among your prospects & connections) is the most valuable element in the connection process.” Jeffrey Gitomer

“A friend with a boat is better than owning a boat.”Kevin Kelly

Book of the week: 

Little Black Book of Connections is based on the power of give value first. 
It's about how you can climb the ladder without stepping on people's backs.
It's about how to earn the respect of a powerful mentor without begging.
It's about how to build stronger relationships with customers, bosses, co-workers, vendors, friends, and family.
It's about being in the same room with powerful people.

4.7 Stars with 362 reviews! Happens to be one of my FAVORITE Books on Business!
Grab it on Amazon —-------->

Places to connect:

Expand The Business Facebook Community of over 3700 Business Minded folks

Our Real Estate Investor Network USA group of over 610 Investors from around the USA

Home of my YouTube channel and where the Expand The Business Podcast will live:

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